My Covid 19 Netflix, 14 Day Quarantine Watchlist 🍿

We Love Kits
We Love Kits
Published on December 4, 2020

My last post talked about travel. I miss it and we can’t seem to do it these days. So what are we doing instead? Luckily in BC we can still get out and about. But let’s face it, we have all watched Netflix a little bit too much.

So with that in mind, here is my top ten list inspired for those of you who are in quarantine, or will have to be in the future.

#1: I Am Legend 👨🏿‍🔬

I Am Legend

This movie didn’t do as well at the box office. But, a movie about a brilliant scientist who survives a man made plague. Kind of rings true given what we are going through these days.

One of my favourite films, see what you think. A warning though, it might make you think twice before you go for that Covid-19 Vaccination!

#2: 2012 📅

The year the Mayan calendar predicted the world would come to an end. I will let you in on a little secret, the world didn’t end in 2012 🌎 Are you beginning to see a theme though in my selections? Again, not a strong showing at the box office but a fun movie, if you like global destruction.

#3: Papillon 👮

Truth be told the number 3 spot was going to be The Shawshank Redemption. One of my favourite movies. I just noticed it’s out of the rotation. So in its place, I give you a true story about another prison. Again, the theme is about survival and the will to live. This guy had a will to live and then some.

#4: Fury ⚔️

I had to add a movie that the ladies would enjoy. Brad Pitt is in this one, enjoy ladies. I must warn you though, it’s a war movie, and again the theme is the will to survive. It’s Brad Pitt during World War 2, what could possible go wrong? Guys, you will like it as well!!

5: The Queens Gambit

The Queens Gambit

My 3rd Grade Teacher taught me how to play chess. I didn’t become a Chess Master though, far from it. I think I was better suited to checkers.

But, for those of you who have a flair for the Chessboard, even if you don’t, this is a great series. It follows an orphan who is taught chess at a very young age and excels. This could have been me. Where did I go wrong? I guess I should have stayed in during recess.

6: Travels With My Father ✈️

Travels With My Father

This series is about a British Comedian and his Father, travelling together. I can’t travel, so I might as well watch a travel series, it’s also very funny. So it hits both lists, travel and comedy.

I think I might be that father in about 25 years, minus the suit, minus the need for upscale accommodations, but with that very direct sense of humour. I see it coming.

7: Ozark

You must have heard of this one? My son tipped me off last summer. I saw it on Netflix, but I never tuned in. Wow, once I hit the play on the first episode there was no turning back.

I think I could easily do 3-4 days straight in confinement, walk out in a daze and wonder, where did the days go. Ah yes, Ozark, Jason Bateman and the rest of the cast are great. Can’t wait for the next season. I might have to self quarantine when it comes out though 🤒

8: New Girl 👧

Think back to Friends. I needed to add another comedy to the list. I think this one is about 8 seasons long and 24 episodes per season.

If Dr. Bonnie stretches the self quarantine to 30 days, piece of cake. A bunch of friends living together in an apartment, their day to day struggles and laughs. More laughs than struggles though. Fun series.

#9: The Crown 👑

Another binge worthy series about the monarchy if you are into that sort of thing. Recently there has been a lot of pressure on Netflix to let you know that this series might have some dramatic flair added to the subject.

We are talking about the British Monarchy and the Queen. I think adding some dramatic flair was a good choice. No disrespect to those British subjects among us, me being one! Well, a few generations removed.

10: The House of Cards 🇺🇸

house of cards netflix

The US version. The British version is supposed to be better but I haven’t seen that yet, so I can’t comment. With everything happening south of the border, you might find this little series amusing and frightening. I think Trump may have watched it before he got sworn in. How did that happen people?

About the Author:

regan pyke in kitsilano rooftop

The above article on My Covid 19 Netflix 14 Day Quarantine Watchlist was provided by Regan Pyke, a leading Film Critic 😉

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